State CE Regulations

We have gathered for you, all in one place, the highlights and the direct links to each state’s requirements for radiologic technologist licensure, certification, or recognition.
These highlights are subject to change. Always refer directly to your state health department’s regulations page for the most up to date RT license renewal requirements. Links to each state government’s regulation page are provided below for your convenience.
No CE Required – does not license personnel
For more information, please visit the following link:
In order to renew a certificate, applicants must complete continuing education (CE) according to the table below. During renewal, the CE requirement can be met by providing evidence of current certification in good standing by ARRT or NMTCB.
- CRT—Certified Radiologic Technologist 24 CEs
- CNMT—Certified Nuclear Medicine Technologist 24 CEs
- CTT—Certified Therapy Technologist 24 CEs
- CRA—Certified Radiologist Assistant 50 CEs
- CTCT—Certified Technologist in Computed Tomography 12 CT specific CEs
- CMT—Certified Mammography Technologist 15 MT CEs specific every 3 years (per MQSA)
- CPTR—Certified Practical Technologist in Radiology 6 CEs
- CPTP—Certified Practical Technologist in Podiatry 2 CEs
- PTBD—Practical Technologist in Bone Densitometry 2 CEs
- CPTU—Certified Practical Technologist Unlimited 24 CEs
For more information, please visit the following link:
All licensees are required to obtain 6 hours of continuing education which must be acquired within the year preceding the date of renewal. Three of the six hours must be in the Radiologic Sciences, in the core areas of all licenses, such as radiation protection, equipment operation and maintenance, image production and evaluation, patient care and management, and radiopharmaceuticals.
Contact: Phone: 501-661-2166 –
For more information, please visit the following link:
Certified Radiologic Technologists (CRT) – CE Requirements:
CRTs need to earn twenty-four (24) approved CE credits, four (4) of which shall be in digital radiography, in the two years immediately preceding the expiration date of their permit.
The Department will accept the following advanced credential certificates issued by the ARRT® organization for 24 CE credits if the certificate was issued within the two years immediately preceding the expiration date of the certificate or permit:
- Mammography**
- Computerized Tomography
- Quality Management
- Bone Densitometry
- Vascular-interventional Radiography
- Cardiac-interventional Radiography
- Radiologist Assistant
- Radiation Therapy
Mammographic Certified Radiologic Technologists (CRT) – ADDITIONAL Requirements: must earn 10 of the 24 Approved CE credits in mammography.
- **The advanced credential certificate for mammography will meet the 10 CE credits specific to mammography requirement. The other advanced credentials will not meet this requirement, so additional CE credits will need to be earned specific to mammography
Radiologic Technology Fluoroscopy (RTF) Permit ADDITIONAL Requirements:
- CRTs with a RTF permit must acquire 4 CE credits of the 24 Approved CE credits in radiation safety for the clinical uses of fluoroscopy
Certified Technologist, Nuclear Medicine – CE Requirements:
For more information, please visit the following links:
For initial forms:
For certificate and permit renewals:
Contact for general information: (916) 558-1784
Limited Permit X-Ray Technicians (XT) – CE Requirements:
- Limited Permit X-Ray Technicians (XTs) must earn twenty-four (24) approved CE credits, in the two years immediately preceding the expiration date of their permit
- Limited Permit X-Ray Technicians (XTs) with digital authorization must earn four (4) of the twenty-four (24) CE credits in digital radiography
Physician Assistants Fluoroscopy Permit – CE Requirements:
- PAs must acquire no less than ten (10) approved continuing education credits, with at least four (4) of the credits addressing radiation safety for the clinical uses of fluoroscopy
Useful wrap up!
How many credits do I need to renew my certificate/permit?
- XTs with digital authorization and CRTs need to earn a minimum of twenty-four (24) Approved Continuing Education (CE) credits, four (4) of which are in digital radiography in the 2 years prior to the expiration of their certificate/permit
- CRTs with a mammography certificate need 24 Approved CE credits, with 10 CE credits that are specific to mammography
- CRTs with a fluoroscopy permit need 24 Approved CE credits, with 4 CE credits that shall be in radiation safety for the clinical uses of fluoroscopy
- Certified Supervisors and Operators (California Licensed Physicians and Surgeons, Podiatrists, or Chiropractors) need to earn 10 Approved CE Credits in the 2 years prior to the expiration of their certificate/permit. If a Licentiate holds a fluoroscopy supervisor and operator permit, four of the ten (10) CE credits shall be in radiation safety for the clinical uses of fluoroscopy
PA with a RTF permit must acquire 4 CE credits of the 24 Approved CE credits in radiation safety for the clinical uses of fluoroscopy
- CRT: 24 hours
- Radiography: 24 hours
- Nuclear Medicine: 5 hours
- Radiation Therapy: 24 hours
- Fusion Imaging: 24 hours
Updated February 2017:
- CRTs need to earn twenty-four (24) approved CE credits, four (4) of which shall be in digital radiography, in the two years immediately preceding the expiration date of their permit
- Limited – 24 hours; radiography & fluoroscopy supervisor and operator permit
- Mammography – 24 hours in ; 10 CE in mammography and perform 200 exams
- Certified Supervisors and Operators (California licensed physicians and surgeons, podiatrists, or chiropractors) – 10 hours
CE must be related to:
- Mammography
- Computerized Tomography
- Quality Management
- Bone Densitometry
- Vascular-interventional Radiography
- Cardiac-interventional Radiography
- Radiologist Assistant
- Radiation Therapy
Contact: Phone: 602-542-1025 – Fax: 602-542-1062
For more information, please visit the following links:
For initial forms:
For certificate and permit renewals:
Contact for general information: (916) 558-1784
Radiologic technologists in the state of Colorado are required to earn 24 continuing education (CE) credits every two years. These credits can be earned through a variety of activities, such as attending conferences, taking online courses, or reading professional journals. The following are the specific CE requirements for radiologic technologists in Colorado:
- At least 12 credits must be in the area of radiation safety
- At least 6 credits must be in the area of patient care
- The remaining credits can be in any area of radiologic technology
The CE credits must be approved by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). You can find a list of approved CE providers and more information on the CE requirements for radiologic technologists in Colorado on the CDPHE website:
To maintain their license, radiologic technologists in Colorado must also complete a self-assessment every two years. The self-assessment is designed to ensure that technologists are up-to-date on the latest advances in the field.
Licensed radiographers shall either maintain registration as a radiographer or radiation therapy technologist issued by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists® (ARRT®) organization or earn a minimum of 24 hours of qualifying continuing education within the previous twenty-four month period.
Contact: Phone: (860) 509-7603 – Fax: (860) 707-1984 –
For more information, please visit the following link:
No CE Required – does not license personnel
District of Columbia
No CE Required – does not license personnel
A total of 12 hours are required for Radiologic Technologist
1 HIV/AIDS Educational Course
Helpful Information:
- No more than 3 of the 12 CE’s may be classified as personal development, which are courses not directly related to your field of practice, such as CPR
- The balance of hours must be classified as technical radiation protection, equipment operation, etc.
- All continuing education used to renew a certificate must have been earned in the current renewal cycle and the same course cannot be repeated in the same cycle
Contact: Phone: (850) 245-4791 –
For more information, please visit the following link:
No CE Required – does not license personnel
Must get 24 CE credits in a 2-year period.
Contact: Phone: (808) 586-4700
For more information, please visit the following link:
No CE Required – does not license personnel
Contact: Phone: 208-334-2235
For more information, please visit the following link:
- Medical Radiology: 24 CEs
- Nuclear Medicine Technology: 24 CEs
- Radiation Therapy Technology: 24 CEs
- Chiropractic Radiography: 24 CEs
- Limited Diagnostic Radiography: 12 CEs
- Radiologist Assistant 50 CEs
- Nuclear Medicine Advanced Associate 48 CEs
For more information, please visit the following link:
No CE Required – does not license personnel
Contact: Fax: 317/233-7154 –
For more information, please visit the following link:
CE requirements for General Radiologic Technologists: 24 Hrs/ 2 Years
CE requirements for Limited Radiologic Technologist: 12 Hrs/ 2 Years
CE requirements for Limited Radiologist Assistant: 50 Hrs/ 2 Years
CE requirements for Nuclear Medicine Technologists:
- General – Report 24.0 hours obtained within the biennium indicated on your permit
- Limited – Report 12.0 hours obtained within the biennium indicated on your permit
CE requirements for Limited for X-Ray Equipment Operators in Podiatric Radiography: 4 Hrs/ 2 Years
CE requirements for Limited for X-Ray Equipment Operators in Bone Densitometry: 4 Hrs/ 2 Years
Contact: Phone: 515-725-1077
For more information, please visit the following link:
On the license renewal form, each licensed radiologic technologist shall certify either of the following:
- The person completed at least 12 credits of continuing education during the 12-month period immediately preceding the license expiration date. Each person renewing a license for the first time shall be exempt from the 12-month requirement
- The person completed at least 24 credits of continuing education during the 24-month period beginning on the first day of the person’s next birth month after initial certification from the American registry of radiologic technologists and extending 24 months to the end of the month before the birth month. Each subsequent 24-month period shall be measured using the same beginning and ending months
For more information, please visit the following link:
Medical Imaging Technologists, including Radiographers, Nuclear Medicine Technologists, and Radiation Therapists must complete 24 hours of Continuing Education on a biannual basis.
Limited X-ray Machine Operators (LXMO) must complete 12 hours of Continuing Education on a biannual basis. At least 6 of the CE hours must directly relate to medical imaging or radiation protection.
Contact: Phone: (502) 782-5687 – Fax: (502) 782-6495
For more information, please visit the following link:
24 credits per two-year licensing cycle. Renewal period begins and ends on May 31st of even years.
Contact: Phone: (504) 838-5231 –
For more information, please visit the following link:
24 credits per two-year licensing cycle.
Contact: Phone: Dial 211 or 1-866-811-5695 –
For more information, please visit the following link:
24 hours of approved continuing education earned during the 2-year period preceding the expiration of the license; or verification of current ARRT® registration or active certification by the NMTCB®.
All licenses expire on April 30th of an odd year.
For more information, please visit the following link:
Continuing Education Requirements
CEUs must be obtained through a provider approved by the Department. All licensees are required to obtain a minimum of 24 CEUs during each two-year license renewal cycle. Individuals licensed as a Radiologist Assistant or a Nuclear Medicine Advanced Associate are required to obtain a minimum of 50 CEUs during each two-year license renewal cycle
For individuals licensed in one discipline:
- Ten CEUs must be in the discipline in which the individual is licensed
- Two CEUs must be in radiation safety
- The remaining 12 CEUs must be earned in topics directly related to health care practice, radiation safety, or their specialty
For individuals licensed in two or more disciplines:
- Four CEUs must be in each discipline in which the individual is licensed
- Two CEUs must be in radiation safety, and the remaining CEUs must be earned in topics directly related to health care practice, radiation safety, or their specialty
For individuals licensed as Mammography Radiologic Technologists:
- 12 CEUs must be in Mammography
- Two CEUs must be in radiation safety
- Four CEUs in Radiography
- The remaining CEUs must be in topics directly related to health care practice, radiation safety, Radiography or Mammography
For individuals licensed as a Radiologist Assistant, 50 CEUs must be included in the ARRT’s Continuing Education Requirements, including two in radiation safety.
For individuals licensed as a Nuclear Medicine Advanced Associate, 50 CEUs must be included in the NMTCB’s Continuing Education Requirements, including two in radiation safety.
For more information, please visit the following link:
15 CE credits in Mammography.
For more information, please visit the following link:
The physician has completed and will complete a minimum of 40 hours every two years of 603 Category in Continuing Medical Education credits in topics directly involving MR imaging. Michigan does not require radiologic technologists to be licensed. However, the state does have continuing education (CE) requirements for CT technologists and mammographers.
CT Technologists: Must complete a minimum of 20 hours of CE every two years. At least 10 of these hours must be in the area of CT. For more information, please visit the following link:
Mammography Technologists: Must complete a minimum of 15 hours of CE every two years, with at least 9 of those hours in mammography.
The CE credits must be approved by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). You can find a list of approved CE providers on the ARRT website:
To maintain their CE requirements, CT technologists and mammographers in Michigan must submit a CE certificate to the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) every two years.
24 credits per two-year licensing cycle.
For more information, please visit the following link:
No CE Required – does not license personnel
24 credits per two-year licensing cycle as per ARRT® requirements.
An applicant for renewal of a limited permit must submit 6 CE credits.
The renewal deadline date (expiration date) for all Radiologic Technologists and Limited Permit Holders is February 1st of each year.
Contact: Phone: (406) 444-5696 – AUDIT@MT.GOV
For more information, please visit the following link:
24 credits per two-year licensing cycle. All licenses expire on December 1st of even years.
For more information, please visit the following link:
- Medical Radiography: 24 CE credits
- Nuclear Medicine Technology: 24 CE credits
- Radiation Therapy Technology: 24 CE credits
- Radiologist Assistant: 50 CE credits
- Nuclear Medicine Advanced Associate: 48 CE credits
- Holders of a Limited License shall maintain CE Credits: 20 CE Credits: Category A or A+ that are approved by the Division or national or regional organization approved by the Division, including, without limitation, the ASRT and are relevant to Radiologic Sciences
A person who does not hold a license or limited license shall register for a Rural Authorization and maintain CE Credits: 20 CE Credits: Category A or A+ that are approved by the Division or national or regional organization approved by the Division, including, without limitation, the ASRT and are relevant to Radiologic Sciences.
Contact: Phone: 775-684-4200 – Fax: 775-684-4211 –
For more information, please visit the following link:
New Hampshire
Limited x-ray machine operator licensees who intend to renew their licenses shall maintain continuing competence by completing 24 hours of continuing education or other professional activities, in each 2-year renewal cycle.
For Magnetic Resonance Technologists, Nuclear Medicine Technologists, Radiographers, Sonographers,… Each licensee shall maintain the applicable certification and registration (obtained from ARRT, ARDMS or ARMRIT), including completing all continuing education requirements for maintaining the certification and registration. For example a CT tech in New Hampshire ARRT register will follow ARRT requirements… An MRI tech that is ARMRIT registered shall follow ARMRIT Requirements…
For more information, please visit the following link:
New Jersey
CE not a requirement for state licensure. For more information, please visit the following link:
New Mexico
A limited practice licensee must complete 24 hours or credits of Category A or A+ continuing educationg approved by a RCEEM recognised by the ARRT® organization.
A Medical Imaging, or a Radiation Therapy, or a Radioogist Assistant licensee must comply with all continuing education requirements of the credentialing organization for which they hold credential or certification.
Contact: Phone: (505) 476-8633 – Fax: (505) 476-8654 –
For more information, please visit the following link:
New York
12 credit hours for each year of the registration cycle or 48 credit hours for a four-year registration period. The 48 credits may be completed any time during the 48 months preceding the start of the renewal period.
For more information, please visit the following link:
North Carolina
6 credits every year.
Contact: Phone: (704) 793-1342 – Fax: (704) 793-1385 –
For more information, please visit the following link:
North Dakota
The Board requires that you are CE compliant ONLY in those modalities you are currently practicing. Continuing Education compliance is ND state law and a requirement of renewals. Continuing education is required by ND law effective in 2017.
You must earn 5 CE hours during this 2020-2021 Licensure Period (January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2021) and for each two-year period thereafter. This is in accordance with NDAC 114-02-01-04(2a). All CE must be RCEEM (recognized continuing education evaluation mechanism) eligible and acceptable as registry appropriate contact hours. (If not accepted by your national registry it will not be accepted by the NDMIRTB.) This CE requirement applies to the modalities listed below. The following modalities will be monitored for CE Compliance ONLY and does not require of an additional certification:
- Cardiac-interventional (CI)
- Computed Tomography (CT)
- Quality Management (QM)
- Bone Densitometry (BD)
- Cardio-vascular Interventional (CV)
- Mammography (M)
- Vascular-interventional (VI)
- Breast Sonography ARRT
- Others as approved by the Board
These continuing education hours will be audited only. You will not send in CE documentation unless audited by the Board. You must retain CE information for your own records and in case of an audit. You should retain ALL records for at least three (3) renewal cycles. Three (3) renewal cycles is equal to six (6) years.
You may keep track of your continuing education by adding it to the Board’s CE Upload page. To enter CE for more than one modality, you will need to logout and login again. The system does not allow you to enter CEs for more than one modality at a time. You may view and update your current modalities, registry and contact information on the Licensee Dashboard page.
For more information, please visit the following link:
12 credits every year.
Contact: Phone: (614) 466-3543
For more information, please visit the following link:
As per ARRT®’s requirements – 24 credits every 2 years.
Contact: Phone: (405) 962-1400
For more information, please visit the following link:
A license expires biennially on the first day of the birth month of the licensee.
For more information, please visit the following link:
No minimum – The Bureau of Radiation Protection (BRP) radiological requirements of 25 Pa. Code 221.11(b) have specific requirements for determination of competence and continuing education; they apply to all operators of diagnostic X-ray equipment.
Contact: Southwest Regional Office: 412-442-4000 – Northwest Regional Office: 814-332-6945 – North-central Regional Office: 570-327-3636 – South-central Regional Office: 717-705-4700 – Southeast Regional Office: 484-250-5900 – Northeast Regional Office: 570-826-2511 –
For more information, please visit the following link:
Rhode Island
- Radiography: 24 hours
- Nuclear Medicine: 24 hours
- Radiation Therapy: 24 hours
- Limited: 24 hours
At least 2 credits of continuing education must be specifically related to radiation protection. Furthermore, at least 12 credits of continuing education must be completed through a formal program. Renewal happens on July 31st of odd years.
Contact: Phone: 401-222-5960 – After Hours Phone: 401-276-8046
For more information, please visit the following link:
South Carolina
- R.T.(R) / R.T.(N) or NMTCB ® / R.T.(T): 24 Credits
- CLR General / CLR Chiropractic / CBD: 12 Credits
- CLR Chest / CLR Podiatric: 6 Credits
- CBD Peripheral: No CE required
Contact: Phone: (877) 771-6141 / (803) 771-6141 – FaX: (803) 771-8048 – –
For more information, please visit the following link:
South Dakota
No CE Required – does not license personnel
Each person certified by the Board must biennially attend and complete twenty (20) hours of radiological related continuing education in courses approved by the Board. The due date for proof of attendance and completion of the required continuing education hours is each certificate holder’s biennial renewal due date.
Each person must retain proof of attendance and completion of all continuing education courses. This documentation must be retained for a period of four (4) years from the end of the calendar year in which the course is completed. This documentation must be produced for inspection and verification, if requested in writing by the Board during its verification process. Courses to be offered for credit toward the required continuing education hours must, unless otherwise provided, receive prior approval from the Board.
For more information, please visit the following link:
- General medical radiologic technologists (GMRTs): Must complete a minimum of 24 hours of continuing education (CE) every 24 months. No more than 12 hours shall be completed through independent self-study
- Limited medical radiologic technologists (LMRTs): Must complete a minimum of 18 hours of CE every 24 months. At least 9 of these hours must be Category A or A+ credits
- Medical radiologist assistants (MRAs): Must complete a minimum of 24 hours of CE every 24 months, all of which must be Category A or A+ credits
The CE credits must be approved by a recognized accrediting agency or a provider approved by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). You can find a list of approved CE providers on the ARRT website:
To maintain their license, radiologic technologists in Texas must also complete a self-assessment every two years. The self-assessment is designed to ensure that technologists are up-to-date on the latest advances in the field.
24 total hours acceptable CE required per biennium
- At least 12 (of the 24) hours CE must be satisfied by attendance and participation in formal courses that are designated for Category A or A-plus credits of CE evaluated by an organization recognized by ARRT as a Recognized Continuing Education Evaluation Mechanism (RCEEM) or RCEEM-plus during the biennial renewal period
- In-person, instructor-led courses are NOT required at this time
- The required hours must include a course in human trafficking prevention approved by the executive commissioner of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission
- See HHSC’s Health Care Practitioner Human Trafficking Training page to access the approved courses and for more information about this requirement
- Please note that these HHSC approved courses will count towards CE totals without being provided by an organization also recognized by ARRT
- No more than 12 hours for the biennial renewal period may be composed of self-study or courses not approved for formal CE, and shall be recorded in a manner that can be easily transmitted to the board upon request
- Any additional hours completed through self-study must be verifiable, through activities that include reading materials, audio materials, audiovisual materials, or a combination thereof. See “Alternative Continuing Education Accepted by the Board” below
- There is a maximum of 48 total excess credit hours that may be carried forward from a renewal period and applied to the CE requirements in the subsequent renewal period, except for the required course in human trafficking prevention. The course in human trafficking prevention must be completed prior to each renewal
- Those who hold temporary permits/certificates are not subject to these continuing education requirements
Radiologic Technologist: Completed 24 hours of approved professional education.
Radiologist Assistant: Completed 50 hours of approved professional education.
Radiology Practical Technician: Completed 10 hours of approved professional education.
Contact: Phone: (801) 530-6628 – Toll-Free in Utah: (866) 275-3675
For more information, please visit the following link:
24 CE Credits / 2-Year Cycle – must be recognized by the ARRT® organization.
Contact: Phone: 802-828-1134
For more information, please visit the following link:
- Radiologic Technologist: 24 hours
- Radiologic Technologist Limited: 12 hours
- Radiologist Assistant: 50 hours
For more information, please visit the following link:
No CE Required – does not license personnel
Contact: Phone: 360-236-4700
For more information, please visit the following link:
West Virginia
- Radiologic Technologist: 24 hours / 2 Years
- Nuclear Medicine: 24 hours / 2 Years
- Radiation Therapy: 24 hours / 2 Years
- MRI Technologist: 24 hours / 2 Years
- Radiologist Assistant: 50 hours / 2 Years
Contact: Phone: (304) 347-4836
For more information, please visit the following link:
24 hours of continuing education. Continuing education hours must be obtained through providers that are recognized by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists® (ARRT®) organization.
The required renewal date for the Licensed Radiographer credential is 08/31 on even years
For more information, please visit the following link:
- General License: 24 hours of CE every 2 years
- Restricted License: 6 hours of CE every year
Contact: Phone: (307) 777-5403 – Fax: (307) 777-3508 –
For more information, please visit the following link: