Patient Care in Radiology CE Course

Patient Care in Radiology CE CoursePatient Care in Radiology CE Course

Patient Care in Radiology

10.25 CE Credits Category A+
Expiry date: April 1, 2026

An interactive CE course to help deliver high quality patient care in the radiology department.

  • Approved by the ASRT (American Society of Radiologic Technologists) for 10.25 CE Credits Category A+
  • Subscription duration: 365 days from purchase date
  • Downloadable transcript available
  • *NEW* Video format available with subtitles
  • Meets the CE requirements of the following states: California, Texas, Florida, Kentucky, Massachusetts, and New Mexico
  • Meets ARRT® CE reporting requirements
  • Accepted by the NMTCB®
  • Hassle-free 30-day full refund policy*

Video Title

Our Patient Care in Radiology CE course offers a comprehensive overview of patient care in the radiology department. It covers the role of the radiologic technologist in taking clinical histories and explains the importance of patient interactions to help you improve your communication skills and your interactions with patients.

The course describes a range of immobilization techniques including immobilization techniques in a variety of settings and reduction of patient radiation exposure through the using proper immobilization methods. It also covers other important topics in patient care for the radiology technologist, such as signs and symptoms and procedures for handling various medical emergencies, appropriate principles of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the use and placement of lines and tubes, indications for and types of oxygen therapy, the role of each of the four vital signs in maintaining homeostasis, and the normal range for each of the vital sign.

Patient Care in Radiology also address the chain of infection and the role and responsibilities of technologists in prevention of transmission. It covers the various classifications of drugs and drug nomenclature, the actions, indications, and precautions related to various drugs, important points in drug administration. The course also differentiates between confidential and non-confidential information and the privacy and security requirements in a radiologic setting, lists the types and need for informed consent, and explains the ethics and medical law related to patient management and interaction.

Discipline Major content category & subcategories CE Credits provided
BD-2016 Patient Care
Patient Bone Health, Care, and Radiation Principles 1.75
BS-2016 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 1.00
MAM-2016 Patient Care
Education and Assessment 1.00
CI-2017 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 7.00
CT-2017 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 3.00
NMT-2017 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 8.25
RAD-2017 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 9.25
THR-2017 Patient Care
Patient Interactions 7.25
Patient and Medical Record Management 1.00
VI-2017 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 7.00
RA-2018 Patient Care
Patient Management 7.75
Pharmacology 1.25
PTH-2019 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Medical Record Management 1.00
SON-2019 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 8.25
MAM-2020 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 1.00
MRI-2020 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 9.25
BS-2021 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 1.00
VS-2021 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 8.25
BD-2022 Patient Care
Patient Bone Health, Care, and Radiation Principles 1.75
CT-2022 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 6.00
NMT-2022 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 8.25
RAD-2022 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 9.25
THR-2022 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 9.25
CI-2023 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 6.00
RA-2023 Patient Care
Patient Management 7.75
Pharmacology 1.25
VI-2023 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 6.00
SON-2024 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 8.25
VS-2024 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 8.25
MRI-2025 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 9.25
Section 1: Patient Interactions and History Taking
  • Communication with patients
  • Interaction with patients
Section 2: Safe Patient Transfer, Movement and Immobilization Techniques
  • Why Should we Study Body Mechanics?
  • Effective Transfer
  • Specific transfer techniques
  • Patient positions and disease conditions
  • Immobilization Principles
  • Geriatric Patients transfer
Section 3: Medical Emergencies
  • What Constitutes an Emergency?
  • Emergency Equipment
  • Radiology Emergencies
  • CPR
  • Minor Medical Emergencies
  • Fire Extinguishers
Section 4: Vital Signs and Electrocardiogram
  • What is Homeostasis?
  • Vital Signs
  • Oxygen Devices
  • Chest Tubes and Lines
  • Basic Electrocardiogram Monitoring
Section 5: Infection Control
  • Disease and Infection
  • Types of Pathogens
  • Establishment of Infectious Disease
  • Stages of Infection
  • Chain of Infection
  • Routes for Disease Transmission
  • Health Care–Associated Infections
  • Types of Hospital Microbes
  • Defense Mechanisms of the Body
  • Medical and Surgical Asepsis
  • Standard Precautions
  • Surgical Procedure
  • Aseptic & Non-Aseptic procedures
  • Mobile and surgical radiography
Section 6: Pharmacology and Drug Administration
  • What is Pharmacology?
  • What is a Drug?
  • Side Effects
  • Reaction Drug Nomenclature
  • Actions, Indications and Precautions of various drugs
  • Drug Resources
  • Dosage form
  • Sedation
  • Documentation of drugs
  • Contrast media
  • Modality contrast
  • Contrast precaution
  • Medication
  • Parenteral Administration
Section 7: Health Records Information Management and Technology
  • Health Information Management
  • HIPAA security
  • Incident reporting
  • Informed Consent
  • Types of consent
Section 8: Ethics and Medical Law
  • Ethics, Laws and Morals
  • Ethical Theories
  • Functions and Characteristics of Law
  • Types of Laws
  • Civil and Criminal Law
  • Classifying Crimes
  • Unintentional tort
  • Intentional tort
  • Fraud
  • Quasi Intentional Torts
  • Legal Doctrines
Jaclyn Lewis
January 2, 2022
These are great courses with great material at a fantastic price! Wish I had found this company years ago!
Yvette Kikudi
June 8, 2022
I have learned alot and upgrade my knowledge in regards patient care in radiology.
Nahala Canty
February 28, 2022
So happy that it was affordable and I can get all my CE credits.
Matias Tercero
February 23, 2022
Excellent course. Will definitely recommend to my peers.
Sandra Rivas
February 10, 2022
I found this course easy to follow and full of information.
Leisha Grindle
January 30, 2022
This is wonderful content that is relevant to the radiologic technologist and is very reasonably priced.
Corey Andrews
January 24, 2022
Great Course!
Julie Haire
March 29, 2022
Loved the interactive voice and easy flow.
Floyriah Davis
May 7, 2022
I found this CE course to be effective and helpful!
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