Your Complete Guide to California Radiology License Renewal

California Radiology CE and CRT License Renewal and Verification Guide
Not sure how to renew your California radiology license? Don’t worry. We know that hunting up regulations, dates, and forms can be a pain. So we’ve put together this easy guide for radiologic technologists working in the state of California that covers everything from initial Certified Radiologic Technologist (CRT) license, to the California radiology license renewal process, to the specific continuing education (CE) requirements you’ll need to meet to maintain your CRT license.
- How do I get a California radiologic technologist license in the first place?
- CE Requirements – California Certified Radiologic Technologists (CRT)
- CE Requirements – Mammographic Certified Radiologic Technologists (CRT) license
- CE Requirements – Radiologic Technology Fluoroscopy (RTF) Permit
- CE Requirements – Limited Permit X-Ray Technicians (XT)
- CE Requirements – Certified Technologist, Nuclear Medicine
- I hold a CRT license with both a mammography certification and fluoroscopy permit? How many CE credits do I need?
- What happens if I don’t meet my CE requirements in time to renew my license?
- California radiology license renewal
- Wrapping Up!
For all those newly graduated radiologic technologists in California out looking to get their license for the first time and learn about the renewal process, we’ll start with how an radiologic technologist obtains a license to practice in the state of California.
How do I get a California radiologic technologist license in the first place?
You’ll need to get yourself familiarized with the California Department of Public Health-Radiologic-Health Branch (CDPH-RHB), which oversees the radiologic technologist radiology license renewal process and CE requirements in the state of California.
The first step to obtaining your California radiology license is to fill out the California Radiologic Technology Certificate Application (form CDPH8200) and submit it to the California Department of Public Health’s Radiologic Health Branch. The application fee is $112.
The CDPH-RHB requires radiologic technologists in California to be certified by the ARRT® organization in the category for which they are applying to be licensed. If you don’t have ARRT® certification yet, don’t worry. You can still submit the application.
How it works if you’re already ARRT® certified:
You submit the application and include documentation that you have passed the relevant ARRT® examination. Within 30 days of the receipt of your application, the CDPH-RHB will determine if you’re eligible for a license. If you are, you’ll receive it. Done!
How it works if you aren’t ARRT® certified:
You submit the application with a copy of your diploma or certificate from a diagnostic or radiologic technology school approved by the CDPH-RHB. Then, if you’re eligible, within 30 days of the receipt of your application the CDPH-RHB will send you instructions for the examination process.
For a detailed step-by-step set of instructions regarding the timeframe for registering for the exam and how to pay, check out this guide put together by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists® and the CDPH-RHB.
Once you take them exam, you’ll get your results from the CDPH-RHB within 4 weeks. If you passed, you’ll receive your California radiology license within 4-6 weeks after the exam.
- Mammographic Radiologic Technology Certificate Application Form
- Fluoroscopy Permit Application Form (Check out our guide on How to Get Your California Fluoroscopy License!)
- Limited Permit X-Ray Technicians (XT) Form
- Limited Permit X-Ray Technicians (XT) Form With Digital Authorization
To view all forms, check out the RHB’s official page.
CE Requirements – California Certified Radiologic Technologists (CRT) license
Once you have your California radiology license, you are required to complete specific continuing education (CE) requirements in order to maintain and renew it. This is most commonly and conveniently done by completing online courses for CE credits. Courses can vary in format and cost, but CE plans (like Medical Professionals’ All-Access Pass!) offer large amounts of CE credits for state and ARRT® renewal at a low cost.
How do I know which CE courses are approved for California CRTs?
The RHB regulations state that any course that covers the subject of the application of X-rays to the human body and is approved by an ARRT® credentialing body is accepted for CE credits. Courses approved by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT), for example, are accepted for CE credits by the state of California.
Can courses in MRI, ultrasound, and CPR be used for CE credits?
Nope. Only courses related to the application of X-rays to the human body will be accepted. But the subjects of these courses can vary, and may include such topics as radiology administration/management, quality control, or radiologic pathology and diagnosis.
- 24 approved CE credits must be earned in total
- 4 of those credits must be in digital radiography
- Time period for completion is 2 years before the license expiration date
- Mammography**
- Computerized Tomography
- Quality Management
- Bone Densitometry
- Vascular-Interventional Radiography
- Cardiac-Interventional Radiography
- Radiologist Assistant
- Radiation Therapy
CE Requirements – Mammographic Certified Radiologic Technologists (CRT) license
- 24 approved CE credits must be earned in total
- 10 of the 24 approved CE credits must be in mammography
The advanced ARRT® credential certificate can be used to meet the 10 CE credits specific to mammography.
CE Requirements – Radiologic Technology Fluoroscopy (RTF) Permit
- 24 approved CE credits must be earned in total
- 4 of them must be in subjects related to radiation safety for the clinical uses of fluoroscopy
Be sure to check out our complete guide to getting your California fluoroscopy license (you might be eligible to skip the exam!)
CE Requirements – Limited Permit X-Ray Technicians (XT)
- 24 approved CE credits must be earned in total
For Limited Permit X-Ray Technicians (XTs) with digital authorization:
- 4 of the 24 approved CE credits must be in digital radiography
Enrolling in and completing 6 months of coursework in an approved radiology technology program can also earn you the full 24 CE credits. You’ll need to provide a letter from an authorized representative of the program, and you may be asked to provide additional documentation, such as official school transcripts. Include this information in your renewal application.
Additionally, completing instruction in digital radiologic technology for obtaining a digital authorization is approved for 20 CE credits towards the renewal of your permit. Be sure to include these credits on your renewal application.
CE Requirements – Certified Technologist, Nuclear Medicine
- Nuclear medicine certificates expire every 5 years
- Credentialing body for continuing education activities – Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM)
- Participate in management-sponsored programs or CE activities offered by:
- Professional organizations
- Higher learning institutes
- 5 hours of such activities to be completed
I hold a CRT with both a mammography certification and fluoroscopy permit? How many CE credits do I need?
- 10 must be specific to mammography
- 4 must be in radiation safety related to the clinical uses of fluoroscopy; and
- 4 must be in digital radiography
With some careful planning, though, you can cover multiple requirements at once. The CDPH-RHB notes that if the CE credits you earn in mammography or fluoroscopy are related to digital radiography, you can put them toward the 4 digital radiography CE credits requirement.
What happens if I don’t meet my CE requirements in time to renew my license?
Your renewal application will not be processed until you have completed the required number of credits. You must stop working until you have a valid license, as it is a violation of CDPH-RHB regulations to practice with an expired permit. Once you have completed the requirements, send in your renewal application with the required information and fee.
California radiology license renewal
Your renewal form and billing notice will be mailed to you 90 days before the expiration date of your license. Note that this form is not available on the CDPH-RHB website. If you have not received your renewal notice by 45 days before the expiration date of your license, email the RHB at and include your mailing address and license number.
Your renewal application form will have a space for documenting your CE credits. Make sure that you maintain the proof of completion of all the CE activities you mentioned for 4 years from the day the certificate for that activity was earned. You will need to produce these in case you are selected as part of a random audit.
How much does it cost to renew my license? Can I pay online?
You will receive a billing notice stating your renewal fee along with the renewal application form you received. You’ll have to pay by check or money order, as the CDPH-RHB does not yet offer online payment processing.
It’s past my renewal date, and I still don’t have my renewal notice. What do I do?
You’ll have to use a special renewal form to renew your license. These forms will not be accepted by the CDPH-RHB more than 30 days before your certificate/permit renewal date. You must determine the correct fee and remember to include any applicable penalty fees. Be careful here: the payment is non-fundable and if it’s wrong, your application will be filed as incomplete.
You can find the right Special Renewal Forms on the CDPH-RHB Applications and FAQs page.
What happens if I am not able to renew my license on time?
Your CRT license will expire, and you will not be able to practice in the state.
Wrapping Up!
California has one of the largest populations of registered radiologic technologists in the country. License renewal is a very important process that must be completed with due diligence every two years.
Based on the type of permit you have, your CE requirements will vary. Having easy and affordable access to CE courses accepted by the state of California can make the entire process much more seamless and stress-free.
At Medical Professionals, we offer a rich library of online radiology CE courses specific to the license renewal needs of CRTs practicing in the state of California. We are confident you will find them useful and engaging.