ARRT® Reinstatement: Your Guide to Getting Your ARRT® Credentials Back

ARRT Reinstatement: Your Guide to Getting Your ARRT Credentials Back if the ARRT license is revoked
Whether your ARRT® license has expired, been put on retired status, or been suspended or revoked, this guide will tell you what you need to do to apply for reinstatement of your ARRT® credentials and get back to work as a R.T.®. In this guide we’ll cover all the reasons why your ARRT® certification and registration could be discontinued and what path you’ll need to follow to apply for reinstatement based on your unique circumstances if your ARRT® license has been suspended or revoked.
Let’s get you started on getting those credentials reinstated!
- 5 Cases that require you to apply for reinstatement of your ARRT® license
- 2 Paths for Reinstatement
- How to Apply for ARRT® Reinstatement If…
- You missed your annual renewal deadline
- You missed your renewal by less than 6 months, but completed your CE requirements
- You missed your renewal by less than 6 months, but did NOT complete your CE requirements
- You missed your renewal by more than 6 months
- You didn’t complete your CQR within your CQR compliance period
- You are a retired or disabled technologist
- Your ARRT® license was suspended or revoked
- Applying for ARRT® Reinstatement By Examination
- Wrapping Up!
5 Cases that require you to apply for reinstatement of your ARRT® license
- You missed your annual renewal deadline
- You did not complete your CQR within your CQR compliance period
- You’re a retired technologist looking to get back into the game (good for you!)
- You are a disabled technologist looking to reinstate your credentials (good for you, too!)
- You received a sanction resulting in your ARRT® license being suspended or revoked
For each case, you will need to meet the qualifications for reinstatement, submit your application, and pay the applicable fees, which will vary depending on your situation. We will discuss each case in detail below.
An important thing to note here, is that if your credential in a supporting discipline has been discontinued, you will lose your certification and registration in the supported discipline, too.
2 Paths for ARRT® Reinstatement
There are 2 ways to apply for reinstatement: you will either apply for reinstatement online through your ARRT® account or be required to take an ARRT® exam to reinstate your credentials. Which method you are eligible for will depend on your specific situation.
If you are eligible to complete a reinstatement application online, you’ll see that option on the dashboard of your ARRT® account.
Below, we’ll tell you which situations allow for online reinstatement applications, and which situations will require you to re-take an ARRT® exam.
How to Apply for ARRT® Reinstatement If…
You missed your annual renewal deadline
If you missed your annual renewal deadline, your ARRT® certification and registration will be discontinued and you’ll need to apply for reinstatement. The process will differ depending on how long your credentials have been discontinued and whether or not you have met the CE requirements for your current biennial cycle.
You missed your renewal by less than 6 months, but completed your CE requirements
If you completed your CE requirements for your biennium, but failed to renew your certification and registration for some reason, you’ll need to apply for reinstatement.
You can do this online. You’ll just log in to your ARRT® account and choose the reinstatement option from your dashboard. Report your 24 CE credits, and pay the $75 reinstatement fee. And that’s it, you’re done!
You missed your renewal by less than 6 months, but did NOT complete your CE requirements
If you failed to renew your certification and registration for some reason and you did NOT complete your biennial CE requirements, the process for reinstatement is a bit different.
You will still apply for reinstatement online at Just log in to your ARRT® account, choose the reinstatement option from your dashboard and follow the on-screen instructions, and pay the $75 reinstatement fee.
As part of the reinstatement process in this situation, you’ll need to accept CE probation status as a condition of your reinstatement. Once you are put on CE probation, you’ll have 6 months to complete your 24 required CE credits and report them to the ARRT® organization.
Once you report your 24 CE credits in a CE Probation Report, you’ll pay the $50 CE probation fee, and that’s it! You’re done! The ARRT® organization will review and verify your CE activities, and if all is in order, your CE probation status will be removed and you’ll be reinstated.
You missed your renewal by more than 6 months
If, for some reason, you missed your renewal by more than 6 months, you will need to apply for reinstatement by examination. In this situation, you’ll need to retake at least one ARRT® exam to have your credentials reinstated. We discuss that process in more detail below.
Comparison of Reinstatement Process and Fees For Situations of Missed Renewal
Case One
Your Situation: Missed renewal by less than 6 months but completed your CE requirements for your biennium
- Log in to your ARRT® account
- Report your 24 CE credits
- Pay your reinstatement fee
Fees: $75 reinstatement fee
Case Two
Your Situation: Missed annual renewal by less than 6 months but did NOT complete CE requirements for your biennium
- Log in to your ARRT® account
- Complete your reinstatement application
- Pay your reinstatement fee
- Accept CE probation
- Complete and report your required 24 CE credits before the end of your CE probation period
- Pay your CE probation fee
Fees: $75 reinstatement fee + $50 CE probation fee
Case Three
Your Situation: Missed annual renewal by more than 6 months
- Reinstatement by examination required
Fees: $200 exam fee for each examination
You didn’t complete your CQR within your CQR compliance period
If your credentials were discontinued because you didn’t complete your Continuing Qualifications Requirements, you can become eligible for reinstatement by completing all of the CQR components (Professional Profile, Structured Self-Assessment, and Prescribed Continuing Education) within 12 months of the last day of your CQR compliance period (the “11th year”). Make sure you report all of your CQR CE activities before the end of that 11th year, or it won’t count, and you won’t be eligible for reinstatement.
Here’s the procedure for reinstatement
Log in to your ARRT® account and report your CQR CE credits before the end of your 11th year. Once your CQR CE activities have been verified and approved, you will pay a $75 reinstatement fee online through your ARRT® account. Once you have made your payment, your credentials will be reinstated.
What if I didn’t complete all the CQR components by the 11th year?
You’ll have to apply for reinstatement by examination. You will not be required to go back and complete your CQR requirements from the previous 10 year period.
Important note here: even if your certification and registration was discontinued and you successfully had them reinstated, your 10-year CQR period will not change. Your CQR cycle will still be determined from the period initially established for you.
You are a retired or disabled technologist
If you are either a retired or disabled technologist, the reinstatement procedure is the same: you will follow the reinstatement by examination procedure, regardless of the timeframe of your biennium.
Your ARRT® license was suspended or revoked
If your ARRT® license was suspended or revoked as the result of a sanction, you will need to apply for reinstatement by re-examination.
- Submit a Sanction Removal Request
Typically, the ARRT® organization will not consider the removal of a sanction for at least 3 years after it has been imposed. If it has been 3 years since you received a sanction, you can submit a written request for it to be removed.
There is no specific form you need to fill out to submit your request. You simply need to provide really good reasons for why the Ethics Committee should consider the removal of your sanction and that should help claim the ARRT® license that has been suspended or revoked. To do that, you can provide the Ethics Committee with the following:- A written statement in which you explain your understanding of why the ARRT® organization decided that your action(s) warranted the sanction you received, what measures you have taken to change your behavior, and why the ARRT® organization can rest assured that you will not commit a similar offense in the future
- You may also choose to include letters of recommendation (to be provided on the original letterhead, not copies) from people who can speak to your current conduct and moral character and any efforts you have made or are making to improve yourself. Letters of recommendation such as these are optional.
- You will also need to include the $250 fee. This is a nonrefundable fee. If you don’t submit the fee, the ARRT® organization will not consider your request.
Compile these documents and your payment, and mail or fax them to the following address: - ARRT
1255 Northland Drive
St. Paul, MN 55120
Fax: (651) 687-0449
- Wait
After reviewing your request to have your sanction removed, the Ethics Committee will notify you about their decision by mail. If the committee will not remove your sanction, there is nothing you can do. You are not entitled to appeal the decision. You can only make note of the date included in your notice at which you will be eligible to submit another request to remove the sanction. - Apply for Reinstatement by Examination
If the committee approves your request and removes your sanction, you will start the process of applying for reinstatement by examination.
Applying for ARRT® Reinstatement By Examination
If your situation requires you to re-take an ARRT® examination in order to have your credentials reinstated, you’ll need to meet the same requirements as all other ARRT® candidates, including the ARRT® Standards of Ethics and the ARRT® Rules and Regulations.
Remember: you can only apply for one credential at a time. If your credential in a supporting discipline has been discontinued, you’ll need to apply to have that credential reinstated before you can reinstate credentials supported by it. You can check the ARRT® supporting and supported discipline categories here.
The ARRT® organization does a great job of breaking down and providing nitty-gritty details on the reinstatement by examination process in their Reinstatement of Certification and Registration by Examination Handbook.
- Request a reinstatement by examination application
In order to get this application, you’ll have to call the ARRT® organization at (651) 680048, and choose the “earning an ARRT® credential” option.
Be careful that the legal name you use on your application exactly matches the name that the ARRT® organization has on file for you, as well as two valid forms of ID.
If you need to change your name with the ARRT® organization, follow these steps:- Go to and go to the Records section. Download the Name Change Form.
- Fill out the form, include a copy of your marriage certificate or a court order that indicates your name has been legally changed, and mail the whole lot to the following address:
1255 Northland Drive
St. Paul, MN 55120
Or fax them to the ARRT® organization at (651) 681-3297 - Once your name change has been processed, the ARRT® organization will mail you a new Candidate Status Report for you to confirm the changes.
- Sign the Agreement of Candidates and the written consent under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Mail your completed application with the correct application fee
Be sure to include a check or money order payable to the ARRT® organization for $200 ($175, if you’re reapplying). If your payment is not included, the ARRT® organization will return your application, unprocessed.
A few important notes:
Be sure that you mail your application to the ARRT® organization shortly after your sign it. Applications with signatures dated more than 6 months ago will not be processed. And be sure you send the original application, not a photocopy. If you send a copy instead of the original application, it will not be processed. - Wait
The ARRT® organization needs at least 30 days from the day they receive your application to process it. Once it’s processed, they will send you a Candidate Status Report in the mail. - Schedule Your Exam
Once you receive your Candidate Status Report, check it to be sure your information is accurate, and then, follow the instructions in the Report to schedule your exam appointment. Your Report will indicate the dates of your exam window. Be sure you schedule early (appointments fill up quickly) and keep your Candidate Status Report number handy when you go to schedule your exam. You’ll need information from it to schedule your appointment.
You can schedule your exam appointment with Pearson VUE either by calling them (their number is listed on your Candidate Status Report) or by scheduling with Pearson VUE online. Be sure that you receive a confirmation of your appointment from
You will take the current ARRT® exam in whichever discipline you selected.
If you passed your re-examination, your credential will be reinstated. Congratulations!
What if I fail the exam?
Don’t worry. If you’re applying for ARRT® reinstatement by examination, the “three attempts in three years” rule still applies to you. In a nutshell, this rule states that you get 3 chances within a 3-year window to pass a certification and registration exam. Your 3-year window starts with the first day exam window (as listed on your Candidate Status Report).
If you fail the exam twice, the ARRT® organization will mail you your score report and a reapplication form. The reapplication fee is $175. Be sure to include the fee when mailing your application, or it won’t be processed.
If you fail the exam 3 times, or if 3 years lapse before you’re passed the exam, you will no longer be eligible for reinstatement by examination. You’ll have to requalify and apply again. The ARRT® organization will also mail you information about how to requalify. You can also check out the ARRT® page on the three attempts in three years rule for more information on how to requalify.
Wrapping Up!
We hope this guide has given you a clearer picture of the ARRT® reinstatement process for your specific situation and greater confidence that you can get your credentials reinstated and get back to providing high-quality care for patients.
Once your credentials are reinstated, you will need to maintain them, as would any other R.T.®, by keeping up with your annual ARRT® renewal and biennial CE requirements. Medical Professionals is proud to support R.T.s® in meeting their CE requirements with individual CE courses and with our All-Access Pass CE plan, which offers unlimited CE credits for ARRT® recertification for one low fee. We’ll be proud to help you in maintaining their certification and registration, too!
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