CT Image Evaluation and Archiving Continuing Education CE Course

CT Image Evaluation and ArchivingCT Image Evaluation and Archiving

CT Image Evaluation and Archiving

1.00 CE Credit
Expiry date: September 1, 2025

An interactive CE course for CT technologists covering image evaluation and archiving techniques.

  • Approved by the ASRT (American Society of Radiologic Technologists) for 1.00 Category A CE Credit
  • Subscription duration: 365 days from purchase date
  • Downloadable transcript available
  • Meets the CE requirements of the following states: California, Texas, Florida, Kentucky, Massachusetts, and New Mexico
  • Meets ARRT® CE reporting requirements
  • Accepted by the NMTCB®
  • Hassle-free 30-day full refund policy*

Computed tomography, more commonly known as CT or CT scan, is an important diagnostic medical imaging test. This CT CE course titled Image Evaluation and Archiving will cover best-practice techniques for minimizing artifacts during CT scanning. The basic concepts of image acquisition will be explored, including tips for evaluating image quality and methods to archive images. The presentation will discuss the factors that influence image evaluation in CT, including inherent scanner features as well as additional efforts from the technologist. In addition, we will discuss the use of teleradiology in transmitting and receiving images from remote imaging centers.

It is accredited by the ASRT for 1.00 CE credit.

Discipline Major content category & subcategories CE Credits provided
CT-2017 Image Production
Image Evaluation and Archiving 1.00
CT-2022 Image Production
Image Evaluation and Archiving 1.00
MRI-2020 Image Production
Data Acquisition, Processing, and Storage 0.25
NMT-2017 Image Production
Instrumentation 0.50
NMT-2022 Image Production
Instrumentation 0.50
RAD-2017 Image Production
Equipment Operation and Quality Assurance 0.25
RAD-2022 Image Production
Equipment Operation and Quality Assurance 0.25
SON-2024 Image Production
Evaluation and Selection of Representative Images 0.25
VS-2024 Image Production
Evaluation and Selection of Representative Images 0.25
THR-2017 Procedures
Treatment Volume Localization 0.25
THR-2022 Procedures
Treatment Volume Localization 0.25
Section 1: Image display
  • Pixels and voxels
  • Matrix
  • Image magnification
  • Display field of view (DFOV)
  • Window width (W/W)
  • Window level (W/L)
  • Cine loop/matrix
  • Geometric distance or region of interest (ROI)
Section 2: Image quality
  • Spatial resolution
  • FOV
  • Contrast resolution
  • Temporal resolution
  • Noise and uniformity
Section 3: Artifact recognition and reduction
  • Identification of common types, causes and corrections
  • Beam hardening or cupping
  • Partial volume averaging
  • Motion
  • Metallic
  • Edge gradient
  • Patient positioning
  • Equipment artifacts
Section 4: Teleradiology and image archiving
  • Archiving
  • PACS
  • RIS
  • LAN
  • HIS
  • WAN
  • Display workstations
  • Digital imaging and communication in medicine (DICOM)
  • Teleradiology
Jacob Baba
September 4, 2022
Excellent For All Radiologic Technologist.
Heather Fay
September 20, 2022
Great way to get my additional QCR credits.
Rachel Haar
October 7, 2022
Easy to navigate required CEs!
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