Breast Diseases Continuing Education CE Course

Breast Diseases Continuing Education CE CourseBreast Diseases Continuing Education CE Course

Benign Breast Diseases

2.00 CE Credits Category A+
Expiry date: April 1, 2026

Review the BI-RADS classification system and the definitions of different benign diseases, including non-proliferative breast lesions, atypical hyperplasia, and other anatomical abnormalities of the breast.

  • Approved by the ASRT (American Society of Radiologic Technologists) for 2.00 Category A+ CE Credits
  • Subscription duration: 365 days from purchase date
  • Downloadable transcript available
  • *NEW* Video format available with subtitles
  • Meets the CE requirements of the following states: California, Texas, Florida, Kentucky, Massachusetts, and New Mexico
  • Meets ARRT® CE reporting requirements
  • Hassle-free 30-day full refund policy*

Video Title

Breast cancer is not the only cause for a lump in the breast; there are many types of benign breast diseases about which you need to be knowledgeable, too. In this continuing education course, you will review the BI-RADS classification system and the definitions of different benign diseases, including non-proliferative breast lesions, proliferative breast lesions without atypia, atypical hyperplasia, and other anatomical abnormalities of the breast.

You will explore the symptoms of benign breast diseases, learn about the techniques used for diagnosis, such as mammography, sonography, and MRI, and the advantages and disadvantages of these techniques with regard to the precision of results and cost reduction for patients. The most important module of the course describes the best practices for patient positioning in mammography and sonography, including the criteria for acquiring a better mammogram, as well as practical tips to improve sonograph quality. The course also includes important recommendations for evaluating each patient according to their age, BI-RADS score, and tripe test score.

Discipline Major content category & subcategories CE Credits provided
BD-2016 Patient Care
Patient Bone Health, Care, and Radiation Principles 1.50
BS-2016 Procedures
Pathology 0.75
MAM-2016 Patient Care
Education and Assessment 0.75
MAM-2016 Procedures
Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology 1.00
Mammographic Positioning, Special Needs, and Imaging Procedures 0.50
NMT-2017 Procedures
Endocrine and Oncology Procedures 1.00
THR-2017 Patient Care
Patient and Medical Record Management 1.25
THR-2017 Procedures
Treatment Sites and Tumors 1.00
RA-2018 Procedures
Thoracic Section 2.25
PTH-2019 Procedures
Treatment Sites 1.00
SON-2019 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 0.25
SON-2019 Procedures
Superficial Structures and Other Sonographic Procedures 2.00
MAM-2020 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 0.75
MAM-2020 Procedures
Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology 1.00
Mammographic Positioning, Special Needs, and Imaging Procedures 0.50
MRI-2020 Procedures
Body 1.00
BS-2021 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 1.50
BS-2021 Procedures
Pathology 0.75
NMT-2022 Procedures
Endocrine and Oncology Procedures 1.00
THR-2022 Patient Care
Patient and Medical Record Management 1.25
THR-2022 Procedures
Treatment Sites and Tumors 1.00
RA-2023 Patient Care
Thoracic Section 2.25
SON-2024 Patient Care
Patient Interactions and Management 0.25
SON-2024 Procedures
Superficial Structures and Other Sonographic Procedures 2.00
Section 1: Benign Breast Diseases
  • Introduction
  • Patient history and physical examination
  • Breast imagings
  • Breast pathologies
  • BBD Evaluation
  • Conclusion
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